Fachoda Complex: Linux Flight Battle, Minimal Look

Posted by Onote on Wednesday, February 29, 2012

AI lift-off in Fachoda Complex

Fachoda Complex is an old Linux 3d flight battle simulator with flat visuals and extremely low system requirements.

The developer wrote an interesting logbook of how they recovered the game from the depths of Assembly Code Country in six days.
Some restore antique furnitures or old cars for a hobby. I am restoring a vintage piece of code, a small game that was quickly put together at the end of the former century then had its bits abandoned to rust. The original author is long gone and his ideas and thoughts forgotten. He was the me of 12 years ago.
Even after reading the readme, I am completely incapable of lifting off in this game and am unable to play it... :(

I still tried:
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WinToFlash 0.6 Beta, Membuat Windows Dengan Flashdisk

Posted by Onote

Haramain software kali ini berbagi sotware sekaligus tutorial yang sangat penting bagi pengguna windows. software ini adalah Novicorp WinToFlash. WinToFlash ini fungsinya adalah untuk membuat flashdisk menjadi windows. Jadi bagi yang menggunakan Notebook atau laptop kecil tidak perlu susah-susah lagi harus mencari CD External untuk menginstal windows. tapi sebelum menggunakan software ini harus punya file windowsnya, karena kalau tidak ada windowsnya apa yang akan di install..? jadi sekarang sudah tahu kan apa fungsi dari WinToFlash. Baiklah, sekarang saya akan bagikan tutorial cara penggunaan WinToFlash ini.

1. Buka File Rar dan jalankan WinToFlash.exe
2. Kemudian klik accept, maka akan terlihat seperti gambar dibawah ini.

3. Klik tanda hijau seperti yang diligkari pada gambar diatas
4. Kemudian Klik Next dan akan terlihat gambar seperti dibawah ini.

5. Pada Tombol Select yang pertama, carilah file windows yang anda simpan
6. Pada Tombol Select yang kedua, carilah Flashdisk tempat anda akan membuat windows.
7. Kemudian klik Next dan Accept, maka WinToFlash akan memulai pembuatan.
8. Duduk manis ( Bisa sambil minum Kopi atau teh ) menunggu sampai selesai.
9. Klik Finish dan SELESAI.

NB: Jika cara diatas sudah dilakukan maka dijamin flashdisk anda sudah bisa digunakan untuk mengistall.

Langsung saja Bagi yang ingin download software ini, bisa langsung download pada link dibawah ini.

Link Update juli 2012.

Password Sharebeast : haramain software

Jangan lupa tinggalkan pesan atau komentar kalau ada link yang rusak atau bermasalah.
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Coldest Mech Bots

Posted by Onote

Testing Coldest Bots 2012-02-28 git

Coldest builds that feature bots are available for Windows and Linux.

So far bots are able to navigate simple terrain and seem to be looking for the closest enemy. However they don't worry about their own health too much and fire their lasers until they explode from overheating.

The developer announced that they might organize a play testing session mid March. Stay tuned!
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Onslaught Arena Now Open Source Code!

Posted by Onote on Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Onslaught Arena

Onslaught Arena, a HTML5 top-down shooter that has a non-space-ship-scenario, is now open source code, non-free assets on GitHub.

The assets are included under non-commercial terms and the developers did not have the time to read about Creative Commons licenses, which I'm sure is one of the reasons why CC-BY-SA isn't widely adopted: time. If you are able to give a concise description, please do in this thread.
Three LostCast moderators

The team's blog is also home to a podcast about HTML5 games.
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Cara Mengunci Folder Tanpa Menggunakan Software

Posted by Onote

Kali ini saya akan berbagi tutorial computer. tutorial kali ini adalah cara mengunci folder tanpa menggunakan software. cara ini sering saya gunakan agar data saya tidak sembarangan dibuka oleh orang lain. cara yang saya gunakan adalah dengan menggunakan code. kodenya bisa dilihat dan di copy dibawah ini.

title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

Kalo tidak berhasil dengan kode diatas, mungkin dikarenakan kodenya berubah ketika masuk blog. biar tidak ada masalah, silahkan download kodenya langsung dibawah ini.


Copy dan pastekan kode diatas  di notepad ,ada kode diatas terdapat kata " GANTI PASSWORD DISINI, ganti tulisan tersebut dengan password yang anda inginkan. Coba untuk tidak melupakan password tersebut. Karena jika anda lupa, folder tersebut tidak akan terbuka. Jika sudah, simpan dengan nama Lock.bat
Ganti type dengan all file.
Klik ganda pada Lock.bat yang baru anda buat, Maka akan keluar seperti dibawah ini.

Masukkan password.
Akan terbuka folder kosong dengan nama locker. Masukkan data - data anda pada folder kosong tersebut. Jika selesai, klik ganda kembali Lock.bat. Akan ada pertanyaan "are you sure u want to lock the folder(Y/N) seperti gambar dibawah ini" 

Ktik hurup Y dan enter.
Maka folder locker yang anda buat akan terkunci dan akan bisa dibuka dengan memasukkan password yang anda buat.

Jagan lupa tinggalkan komentar dibawah . agar kami tau tutorial atau software disini bermanfaat.
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Frozen Bubble 10th Anniversary

Posted by Onote

Frozen Bubble for Android

2012 February the 6th was the 10th birthday of Frozen Bubble's first release. The development was started in november 2001 by "ayo", amaury and Guillaume Cottenceau, members of the MandrakeSoft team (Mandriva nowadays).

Frozen Bubble is a beautiful game inspired by Puzzle Bobble (published by Taito in 1994 , also called Bust-a-Move). The game has nice graphics and music (from matths alias Matthias).

Frozen Bubble level editor for Android

Development has stopped in 2008, but Frozen Bubble and its ports still enjoy high popularity, especially on the Linux and Android platforms. A Java port also exists. Only the first version is available for Windows.

A French language interview with the makers was recently published on linuxfr.org.
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Mengembalikan File Super Hidden Akibat Virus Dengan Attribut Canger

Posted by Onote on Monday, February 27, 2012

Sekarang saya akan berbagi software yang ringan tapi sangat membantu. software ini saya bagikan karena ada sahabat yang request software ini.
Attribut chnger ini berfungsi untuk mengembalikan file hidden atau super hidden akibat terkena virus yang mengakibatkan file kta menjadi hidden dan tidak bisa di kembalikan menjadi normal. tapi dengan software Attribut changer ini kita bisa membuatnya kembali menjadi normal. caranya yaitu:
  1.  install dulu software ini karena software ini gratis tanpa perlu license atau serial key.
  2. etelah selesai klik organize dan pilih folder and serch option
  3. kemudian klik show hidden file
  4. kemudian klik kanan pada file yang di hidden dan pilih change atributes.
  5. hilangkan centangan pada system dan hidden.
  6. selesai.
biar lebih jelas lihat gambar.

kalau sudah paham silahkan download Attribut Changer pada link download dibawah ini.

Semoga membantu.
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AltDevConf 2012 Videos Under Creative Commons Attribution

Posted by Onote

AltDevConf 2012 videos have been released under CC-BY license. None of them seem to be directly related to open source but most should still be relevant and apply to flosgame development.
Programming Track
Education Track
Design & Production Track
Beyond this post, these videos will continue to be available under the official AltDevConf YouTube Channel!
For example the following video is definitely relevant to donation-based development, which can be seen in some free, open source game projects.

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Wolfire's Mojam Game Art Assets are Public Domain

Posted by Onote on Saturday, February 25, 2012

Wolfire made an unfinished prototype using the proprietary Unity engine for the private Humble Bundle Mojam. You can watch thic entertaining, commented timelapse video to find out more.

another video: Mojam Art Overview

 Art assets have been released into the public domain (.zip here), with a few exceptions mentioned here (music and sand texture).

Blender import of a few .obj files from the .zip for testing

Included are 47 .obj 3d models, 41 .png/.tga/.psd images and 7 .wav sounds.

If you're interested in the ongoing development of The Broadside Express, follow this thread.
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Stunt Rally Podcast

Posted by Onote on Friday, February 24, 2012

(video) podcast FLOSS Weekly #202

A (video) podcast show called FLOSS Weekly interviewed Crystal Hammer of Stunt Rally about the project in their issue #202.

I only recently discovered the vast spaces of open source and Linux podcasts. If you know of open source games podcasts, please let us know in the comments! :)
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Ancient Beast now Free as in Freedom!

Posted by Onote

A little while ago, Ancient Best dropped the NonCommercial license they were using for art and assets and are now DFSG-free.

Facebook announcement about Ancient Beast's license change

The game runs in HTML5 and is a turn based strategy in early, active development. It is supposed to run on low-spec computers.

Ancient Beast Battle Mock-Up

Their 1.4 G repository of concepts, drawings, mockups, audio files and 3d models is impressive:

 Ancient Beast Concept Art

Ancient Beast Icons

More can be seen in the official gallery

You can support the project through PayPal, Bitcoin and Flattr here.
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Download Theme Hud Green For Windows 7

Posted by Onote

Haramain software kembali lagi membagi-bagikan theme untuk windows 7. Theme kali ini adalah theme hud green premium. theme yang satu ini cukup ringan tapi keren dan dijamin akan suka. seperti biasa, haramain software bagi dengan cuma-cuma alias gratis. theme hud green premium juga saya bagikan karena banyak yang request theme untuk windows 7. bagi yang mau request juga bisa langsung tinggalkan pesan di blog ini. tapi jangan dibuku tamu karena susah dideteksi requestnya. bagi yang mau lihat bagaimana tampilan dari theme hud green premium untuk windows 7 ini, bisa lihat screensnya pada picture dibawah ini.

Sudah lihat gambar diatas ? bagaimana bagus bukan.!? kalau kurang jelas klik kanan pada gambar kemudian klik open link in new tab untuk melihat gambarnya yang lebih besar.

  1. Pertama ekstrak file theme green hud yang sudah di download
  2. Buka folder theme kemudian copy semua isi dalam folder theme
  3. kemudian pastekan pada lokal C/windows/resources/theme.
  4. kemudian jalankan universal theme patcher kemudian klik ok dan klik patch satu persatu karena ada 3 tombol patch kemudian klik ok dan restart( bagi yang belum menginstal theme patchernya).
  5. tinggal buka personalize  dan pilih theme hud green.
  6. selesai.
sekarang langsung saja download theme hud green dan universal theme patchernya pada link dibawah ini.

Link update 30 oktober 2012

Jangan lupa komentarnya dan tinggalkan pesan kalau ada link yang rusak.
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Complete List of Fosdem Game Dev Resources

Posted by Onote on Wednesday, February 22, 2012

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Download Game Devil May Cray 4 Full Rip For Pc

Posted by Onote

Game Devil may cry 4 full rip ini bergenre Action (fantasy). begini ceritanya :"Dahulu kala Dark Knight Sparda bertarung dengan kerajaan kegelapan dan bertarung sendirian untuk menyelamatkan dunia. Ribuan tahun kemudian, organisasi religius "Order of the Sword" mengajak Sparda bergabung dengan mereka untuk mengalahkan semua kejahatan. Suatu hari seorang ksatria muda bernama Nero menyaksikan anak Sparda yg bernama Dante menyerang temannya sendiri, apakah Sparta telah mulai berpaling??
Dalam Devil May Cry 4, pemain mengendalikan Nero yang sedang belajar untuk mengendalikan kekuatannya sendiri yang baru ia temukan, kepercayaannya pun diuji. Devil May Cry 4 menambahkan kesempurnaannya dengan menggabungkan sistem pertarungan fitur baru Nero's "Devil Bringer" dengan fitur ini, pemain bisa menghancurkan musuh dengan non-stop combo, sambil meningkatkan kekuatan baru untuk tangan kanan Nero. Dengan sistem grafis Playstation 3 yang sudah diperbaharui, high definition visual dan detail yang rumit, visual efek dan dynamic action yang luar biasa dtambah dengan cerita yang kompleks, menghasilkan game yang keren, dan seru yang hanya bisa ditemukan di Devil May Cry. sistem perubahan style yg baru, sehingga pemain bisa merubah style dan senjatanya sambil terbang, dan menghasilkan combo-combo yang keren. Ayo Download Game RIP Devil May Cry 4 ini.
Minimum System Requirements

    OS: Windows XP/Vista
    Processor: Pentium 4 @ 3 GHz
    Memory: 512 MB (1 GB for Vista)
    Hard Drive: 8 GB Free
    Video Memory: 256 MB (nVidia GeForce 6600 SM3 Required)
    Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
    DirectX: 9.0c
    Keyboard & Mouse
    DVD Rom Drive

Recommended System Requirements

    OS: Windows XP/Vista
    Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO
    Memory: 1 GB (2 GB for Vista)
    Hard Drive: 8 GB Free
    Video Memory: 1GB (nVidia GeForce)
    Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
    DirectX: 9.0c or 10
    Keyboard & Mouse
    DVD Rom Drive

Langsung saja kalau ingin mendownload bisa pada link dibawah ini.

Password Tinypaste : haramain software

Semoga bermanfaat. link ini sudah diperbaiki dan mungkin tidak akan bermasalah.
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Short: Gigalomania and CTruck3D

Posted by Onote

Losing in Gigalomania

Gigalomania [blog] is an open source 2D Real Time Strategy game, for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Nokia smartphones (Symbian, Maemo and Meego). The gameplay consists of researching and developing new technology with which to conquer your enemies, from rocks and sticks to nuclear weapons and spaceships. You can advance through ten different ages, from the stone age to the future. There are 28 different maps to play through.


CTruck3D is a simple-looking OpenGL truck simulator.


There is an ASCII-Art variant called term_CTruck3D.

EDIT: What's quite interesting about the game is the marketing(?). Two YouTube accounts seem to be quite excited about the game: simhgamedev and violinperforming.
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Begun these clone wars have (a word on the inevitable Terraria clones)

Posted by Onote

In case you haven't heard the news already, development on the popular 2D block mining game Terraria has ceased.  A lot of people are disappointed to hear this, since at this point it would appear that a lot of features that people want will never materialize.  What I'm here to talk about today are the inevitable open source clones that will no doubt pop up in Terraria's wake.  There's a power vacuum right now, and it would be nice to see a FOSS game capture the imaginations of a massive audience now left clamoring for developer support.  For the people considering starting up a clone project, here are some things you ought to take into account:

First and foremost, don't just make a clone.

If you want people to actually play your game in large numbers, you need to avoid the feeling of it being a knock-off.  If you're thinking about naming it OpenTerraria or Freeraria or something like that, stop right now and consider the reasons why an experienced Terraria player, who has their own Terraria server and friends they like to play the game with, would jump ship to come and play your game.  (There's nothing wrong with this, per se, but understand that you'll be fighting an uphill battle in terms of differentiating yourself from a product with an entrenched user base.)

Instead, take a look at Starbound and all the sweet new features it's bringing to the table and how much excitement it's generated in the few weeks since it was announced.  Starbound isn't Terraria.  It's inspired by Terraria, certainly, but it's already its own distinct game with an interesting setting and features that differentiate it from its predecessor.

Think about what Terraria is at its essence -- a 2D, action-oriented, block mining, item collecting platformer -- and consider how you might take that concept and build something unique with it, rather than just making a game that isn't quite Terraria.  This means coming up with cool ideas that people didn't even know they wanted -- not just some more types of blocks or weapons or bosses, but entirely new and different concepts that raise your game from clone status to the much more desirable status of spiritual successor.

Check for similar projects before you start one.

There might already be someone else working on an spiritual successor of Terraria.  If that's the case, help them.  (I'm not aware of any currently in progress, but I'd be happy to link to any promising ones if people tell me about them.) 

Design it with multi-player in mind from the ground up.

Yes, this takes the game into ambitious territory, but let's be honest here.  One of the big draws of these sorts of games is the multiplayer experience.  Miss out on that and you aren't going to get much interest at all.  Terraria's multiplayer support is fairly weak, and as such people will expect yours to be better.  Fail them on this point and you've lost most of your audience.  Do significantly better and you've got a chance to win people over.

Make it moddable...

"Is it moddable?" is one of the first questions people ask about games nowadays, especially games of the block mining sort.  The answer to this question should be a resounding yes.  Not only should it be moddable, optimally you should provide tools to make it easy to mod, which means something more than just XML and a text editor. 

I've advocated for easy content creation before, and one thing people always come back and say is that if you can't work with XML and a text editor, then there's no way you could possibly make anything worthwhile.  Not only is that opinion wrong, it's also a turn off to the bread and butter members of your community, who may be perfectly adept at using GUI applications, but probably don't know much about editing XML.

Of course, if you want to make a game that nobody pays attention to, by all means force people to use XML and call them idiots when they ask for a graphical tool. :)

...but make sure there's compelling content.

This is an easy one.  If people don't want to play your game, they won't want to mod your game.  If there's no initial content, other people aren't going to come in and add it for you.

Make it easy to install and run.

Don't make me install a ton of dependencies.  If I'm running a modern Linux box, I shouldn't need to install a bajillion packages just to make your game work.  If I'm running Windows, I probably don't want to muck around with downloading the latest version of your favorite bytecode interpreter to run your game.  I want to run the installer and have it appear on my start menu.  If I'm running a Macintosh, I want to run it... well, however Mac people usually run their games (*ahem* perhaps dual-booted into Windows? -- kidding).

Point is, don't make it a pain in the ass to set up.  Make it a couple clicks.

Make it run on Linux.

This is another no-brainer.  If you want the FOSS community to be interested, make it run on a free OS, and make sure it works on a platform that isn't a patent trap.  This will also have the benefit of making it easier to...

Port it to Android.

Mobile platforms are where it's at nowadays.  Support Android and you'll make a lot of people very happy.  My understanding is that there are some license issues with the iPhone app store and FOSS, but if you can at least get it to run on jailbroken iPhones, all the better.

Make it look nice.

I saved this one for last.  People care a lot about graphics.  If you can make a complete game with placeholder art that meets the above criteria, I'll personally pay to commission art for you.

So there you have it.  If you're still thinking about making a Terraria successor, you've got a long project ahead of you.  Better get coding. :)

Peace out,

Bart K.
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OpenArena 0.8.8: 13 Maps, 7 Music Tracks, 1 Player Model

Posted by Onote on Tuesday, February 21, 2012

OpenArean 0.8.8 brings many additions and changes. See some of them below:

am_lavactf - Facing New Neko Bot Playermodel - 107 - Open Arena 0.8.8oa_bases3p3ta - 053 - Open Arena 0.8.8am_spacecont - 083 - Open Arena 0.8.8am_thornish - 071 - Open Arena 0.8.8oa_bases3p3ta - 051 - Open Arena 0.8.8oa_thor - 042 - Open Arena 0.8.8am_mckinleyish2 - 084 - Open Arena 0.8.8mlca1 - 059 - Open Arena 0.8.8
OpenArena 0.8.8 - hover for info - more images here

On a related note: OA's lead dev recently uploaded a Sorceress 3d model that did not make it into the game under GPL2 and CCBY(SA)3:

This is a rejected mystical elf sorceress for my game project OpenArena 3.x. It's rejected due to technical (2 surfaces, and too low poly) and anatomical reasons (regarding the hands and feet). The skin is muddy and low quality is well. This was done in 2009-2010.
Comes weighted to a standard rigify mesh. She has no actual fingers, her hands are mittens!
Might be suitable for a low poly distant camera dungeon crawl. Could even be suitable to produce other characters with in that dungeon crawl.
An alternative worse skin is also included. It's on the second UV Texture layer.
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Game Developers: Standardize Custom User Files Path on Mac OS X and Linux Now!

Posted by Onote

Naev became XDG-compliant on *nix systems. By following the Freedesktop XDG Base Directory specification. Join the right cause! [edit]Here's a second post on the topic by the Naev developers.[/edit]

Examples of non-compliant ~/.placement:


And here are some good ones:

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Download Game WarCraft III Reign Of Chaos

Posted by Onote on Monday, February 20, 2012

Salam sahabat haramain software ! kembali lagi di haramain software tempat download software dan game link mediafire. sekarang saya akan bagika sebuah game strategy yang sudah  populer. game ini adalah WarCraft III Reign Of Chaos. game warcraft ini diterbitkan pada tahun 2002 dan berhasil terjual lebih dari 4,3 juta units dalam waktu singkat. walaupun bisa dibilang game ini cukup lama, namun game ini tetap asik di mainkan dan tingkat kepopulerannya masih tinggi karena masih begitu banyak yang memainkan game ini dan belum bosan memainkan game Warcraft III Reign Of Chaos ini.
Dan bagi yang belum pernah memainkan game ini juga bisa lihat langsung bagaimana gamenya dengan melihat gambar dibawah ini.

System Requirement

    400 MHz Pentium II or equivalent
    128 MB of RAM
    8 MB 3D video card (TNT, i810, Voodoo 3, Rage 128 equivalent or better) with DirectX® 8.1 support
    700 MB HD space
    4X CD-ROM drive

Cara Install
  1. Download kedua file rar yang saya bagi dibawah
  2. Exstrak Part 1 maka part 2 akan ikut terexstrak.
  3. Buka folder WarCraft III Reign Of Chaos dan buka lagi folder wc3(setup)
  4. Klik 2 kali pada Setup ( Windows Batch File ) dan tunggu sampai proses selesai
  5. Game siap dimainkan.
Nb: Sudah dicoba 100% bisa.
Bagi yang ingin mendownload bisa langsung download pada link dibawah ini.

Mediafire : 188 Mb

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